Passing Notes

It is every wedding professional's dream to create moments throughout the day that surprise and delight the guests. The element of surprise is all about revealing something that your guests haven't seen before and it takes an ocean of creativity to create these moments over and over again, especially when you add pressure and deadlines to the mix.

That's why it's always such a pleasure to meet people like Abbie at Passing Notes who continue to deliver over and over again. Abbie has the incredible ability to incorporate personal details about the bride and groom into the design and create invitation suites that are out of this world. Take, for example, the save the date above created for Lily and Amir. In Persian wedding tradition, the first time the groom lays eyes on his bride is in the reflection of a mirror at the altar. Their save the date plays homage to this tradition and becomes the kind of wedding moment that planers dream of.

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