One of my clients has recently been going through the process of creating her monogram for her wedding. Monograms have been around for centuries represent and a beautiful way to express the union that marriage creates.
For a wedding, your monogram should not be used until after the ceremony. So on printed materials like the invitation it's important that you don't use the full monogram, but for printed materials at the wedding you can. Using just your first initials in the invitation is acceptable.
There are many ways to go about the process of creating a monogram. You can draw it yourself, use a computer program or a monogram designer. For her wedding the bride and I worked with Caroline at Monogram Inc. in New York.
For the first round, Caroline at Monogram Inc. submitted the following three designs as a starting point. The bride further described what she had in mind, a substantial "H" with a smaller "C" and "D" hooked onto it. Then the next three rounds further narrowed the look.
And the last round would be the derivation acceptable for the save the date and invitation. Finally we had our monogram look...
Here is the monogram used on the save the date in copper and artemis green hand engraved by The Printery:
The bride and groom will use their full monogram on the printed wedding materials as well as items in their home such as beautiful monogrammed linens, like below:
Stunning, right!?Labels: decor, invitations, registry