The best handwriting ever

Betsy Dunlap
I've always envied the girls in school that had amazing handwriting but I never had the patience to take my time, my brain is always on to the next thing.  My handwriting totally depends on my mood, some days it's scrawls loosely across the page and other days it's tight and small.

These days it doesn't matter as much because good handwriting is quickly becoming obsolete.  With my new iPad I hardly have occasion to pick up a pen and paper.  I'm beginning to worry my children's children won't know even what a ballpoint is!

When it comes to addressing formal invitations though, the computer just won't do.  Because there are so many great free online cursive fonts I've seen a recent trend emerging in the world of calligraphy to be as wacky and non-typewriter like as possible so that people KNOW it was penned by hand.

I've culled some of my favorite, most creative hands in the industry to share with you today.  No computer could replicate their styles.  Leigh Wells, Betsy Dunlap and Love Jenna were the cool girls in school with the best handwriting and I totally still envy them. 


Betsy Dunlap

Betsy Dunlap

Leigh Wells

Leigh Wells

Leigh Wells

Leigh Wells

Love Jenna

Love Jenna
Love Jenna

Love Jenna
